Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The History Of African Enslavement

In 1626 the first Africans were enslaved and and brought to America.From 1626 to the early or late 1700's the demand for slaves were high and rising.People had to meet thier needs so they started to bring in HUGE boats full of enslaved Africans

.New Amsterdam was now almost 40% Africans.The americans took enslaved people especially from africa because they knew of thier special skills.At first they were going to take the native americans but more than half of them died out just on the trip.Africans were known to take massive weather and pain.While enslaved one of the most famous jobs that they ever did was making the huge wall .That was the exact location of where wall street is today.Because of that wall we now call that street Wall street.

While enslaved the africans had a little freedom.The americans had no use of the marsh land beyond the border of New Amsterdam.They let the africans bury thier dead relatives over there.After death the afrricans would cross the dead person's arm over his chest in belief of a safe travel to heaven.Also they would put pennies over the pesons eyes to keep them closed,but as they desease it is said to be bad luck.

The africans had been through alot more hardships than just what i have said but to tell all of the hardships that they have been through it would mean that this essay would go on forever so i shall stop now.For now you have been given a little bit of knowledge of the enslavement of africans.

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