Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Draft of My Research Paper

Greek religion is very interesting and has many fascinating things to learn about. For example in this essay I will give information on Greek culture, their religion, their geography and the various arts and sculptures that they crafted. Today the Greeks are known to have been polytheistic which means that they believed in many gods. They however only created the twelve Olympian gods to give reasons for mysterious things that occur in nature. This is why they are called Myths and the topic mythology.

Although the Greeks were very formal with their gods in before the common era nowadays they are supposedly not currently traditional towards their old Olympian gods. Today the greeks most of the Greeks are Christians, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Orthodox Christians and Jews.

Their culture was very fascinating as well. The greeks are known to create many sports known to man today. They created bowling, handball acted in European handball and of made one of the most known sport competitions ever the olympics. Also their cuisine is similar to the different types of food we may eat today. They used to grow the same crops that we do and feast on the same animals as well. The only difference is that they might have prepared it a different way. They also could have used many other spices in their food as well. Their technology as well as their knowledge of food was less than what humans know today. Their clothing varied from ours as well. While we may wear our T-shirts and jeans the Greeks wore togas, tunics and chitons.
However you could only wear these type of clothing if you are a citizen of Greece or Pompeii. The Greeks also had very similar jobs to us other thaan the fact that they practiced wizardry and witchcraft as a job as well. It may seem very unbelievable and strange to us but to them it is perfectly normal. Infact we got most of our jobs from the Greeks.
The Greeks are also famous for the beautiful arts and sculptures they created. It was so amazing it attracted the eye of one of the best artists in the world, Michael Angelo. It is true that the great Michael Angelo had gotten some of his ideas from the varieties of arts from the Greeks. They used limestone, marble and normal stone to make their buildings which is some of the same materials we use today to make our buildings. There were time periods of art in Greece. The most famous was the Mycenaean period. Greek people long ago used to make sculptures most likely to represent a story or emotion. As what people say today " a picture says a thousand words" long ago it would've been "a sculpture says a thousand words."
Athens is the symbol of art, freedom, democracy and the conscience of the civilized world. The geography of Greece wouldn't be identified as Grrece it would be read as Athens. It had taken it's name from the Olympian Godess Athena whom had the power of knowledge and wisdom. She had won the competition against Poseidon to rule the land and had it named after her.

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