Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reading Response

During this adventure Percy, Annabeth and Grover are on a quest helping Clarisse out. They weren't supposed to go but they sneeked out and eventually and cought up with Clarisse. The gang were in the forest hiding from Luke when Percy noticed a snakey figure, it was the hydra. They dodged and swung but couldn't keep it up for long. Soon cannons blasted at it and it went down. Those cannons were from clarisse. She had gotten a gost ship by praying to her father Ares.
Percy from this book reminds me of Harry Potter from all parts of those books. I say that because they are both the most special of a special camp. Percy of camp half blood and Harry Potter of Hogwarts. Of the entire camp they're in they are the most special and mst powerful. Percy because he is the son of one of the big three. Harry because he survived an attack from Voldemolt. From that attack he got a scar which somehow gave him power.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reading Response

Sea of Monsters 3/18/10
pgs 150-183 45mins

In this adventure Percy and Annabeth gets a bit delayed. They were planning on asking Chiron to go on the quest to save grover and get the golden fleece but there has been a change of plans. Someone thinks that just because Chiron is the son of Kronus he was the one who poisoned Thalia's tree. He gets fired and there is a new camp activities director. A man named Tantalus. Anyway When Percy and Annabeth steps up to him to ask him about the quest he denies. I don't know why he thinks so much of Clarisse but he gave her the quest instead. They need to think of a new plan really fast or Grover will soon be cyclops food to Polyphemus.
I think of this writing as interesting for the most part because I found out Chiron was the son of Kronus. I never knew that and it was a shock for me. Also just because of that why would someone like Chiron betray camp-half-blood. He is relied on and trusted by almost everyone in the camp so I think he wouldn't do such a thing I am surprised to see that they actually fired him just because of suspicion.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Reading Response

Sea of Monsters 3/17/10
pgs 120-150 45 mins

While reading this part of the story Percy had a dream about his best friend grover being trapped with the great cyclops Polyphemus. The cyclops eyesight was very bad after he was stabbed by king Odyuseus so he thought the satyr Grover was a woman cyclops and was going to marry him/her. Somehow Grover was able to talk to Percy and tell him what was going on. The sea of monsters is known to the normal mortals as the Bermuda triangle. Percy was able to find him with the coordinates that the fates or gray sisters gave him. While there Percy had to get the golden fleece, it would restore any thing or person that was hurt. Luke had earlier on poisoned Thalia's tree which was the only protection for demi-gods so Percy was on a quest to get it to save the tree.
By reading this if I were Percy I would really hunt Luke down and kill him. He is trying to bring the titan god Kronus back to life which could destroy the entire earth. He is betraying everyone in the camp that trusted him and who is now at the risk of being attacked by monsters. He poisoned Thalia's tree which was the protection borders of the camp.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Student Bill of Rights

1.I believe that the most important right is for students to have the right to
: attend school and receive a free public school education from kindergarten to age 21 or receipt of a high school diploma, whichever comes first, as provided by law; students who have been determined to be English Language Learners are entitled to bilingual education or English as a second language program as provided by law; students with disabilities who have been determined to be in need of special education are entitled to a free appropriate public education from age 3 until age 21, as provided by law.
I say that because I think the most important thing a student should ever think about when going to school is actually having the ability to attend school, receive a quality education get they're diploma and and get a good job. This is why I think that this right is the most important.
2. The right that surprised me the most is when they say you have the right to be in a safe and supportive learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and bigotry. I say that is foolish in every school I've been to they discriminate people because of the way they look. They do not make school a safe and supporting learning area.
3. I do not think my rights are protected at FDA because this school lies a lot. They say it's supposed to be college preparatory when you are learning forth and fifth grade work in sixth grade. Also this school is known to have a lot of fights and is surely not a safe and supporting learning environment. People at this school are also very discriminative. This school is supposed to be for scholars sometimes I wonder how some kids actually got into this school.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Draft of My Research Paper

Greek religion is very interesting and has many fascinating things to learn about. For example in this essay I will give information on Greek culture, their religion, their geography and the various arts and sculptures that they crafted. Today the Greeks are known to have been polytheistic which means that they believed in many gods. They however only created the twelve Olympian gods to give reasons for mysterious things that occur in nature. This is why they are called Myths and the topic mythology.

Although the Greeks were very formal with their gods in before the common era nowadays they are supposedly not currently traditional towards their old Olympian gods. Today the greeks most of the Greeks are Christians, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Orthodox Christians and Jews.

Their culture was very fascinating as well. The greeks are known to create many sports known to man today. They created bowling, handball acted in European handball and of made one of the most known sport competitions ever the olympics. Also their cuisine is similar to the different types of food we may eat today. They used to grow the same crops that we do and feast on the same animals as well. The only difference is that they might have prepared it a different way. They also could have used many other spices in their food as well. Their technology as well as their knowledge of food was less than what humans know today. Their clothing varied from ours as well. While we may wear our T-shirts and jeans the Greeks wore togas, tunics and chitons.
However you could only wear these type of clothing if you are a citizen of Greece or Pompeii. The Greeks also had very similar jobs to us other thaan the fact that they practiced wizardry and witchcraft as a job as well. It may seem very unbelievable and strange to us but to them it is perfectly normal. Infact we got most of our jobs from the Greeks.
The Greeks are also famous for the beautiful arts and sculptures they created. It was so amazing it attracted the eye of one of the best artists in the world, Michael Angelo. It is true that the great Michael Angelo had gotten some of his ideas from the varieties of arts from the Greeks. They used limestone, marble and normal stone to make their buildings which is some of the same materials we use today to make our buildings. There were time periods of art in Greece. The most famous was the Mycenaean period. Greek people long ago used to make sculptures most likely to represent a story or emotion. As what people say today " a picture says a thousand words" long ago it would've been "a sculpture says a thousand words."
Athens is the symbol of art, freedom, democracy and the conscience of the civilized world. The geography of Greece wouldn't be identified as Grrece it would be read as Athens. It had taken it's name from the Olympian Godess Athena whom had the power of knowledge and wisdom. She had won the competition against Poseidon to rule the land and had it named after her.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lesson #7 What is a Hero

#2. Considering the people interviewed I think their knowledge on heroism should be high because they had to struggle to get where they are today. All of them are in high places and have done what we are doing now. They have helped many people so they should know what a hero looks like.

#3. When Bob Kerry says a hero is not made of stone he means you don't have to have muscles and be really strong to be a hero it comes within you.

#6. I was preety surprised that Fred Rogers would be the one to tell what a hero is because he is just a talk show host for little kids. I would say a hero is someone that is brave wise and has a bright conscience.

#3. A hero that I read about is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I look at him as a hero because he was a brave person also wise and fought to for the rights of people. He was so dedicated that he even died doing it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Harvard Outline For Research Procject

1. Religion
a. Greeks are polytheistic which means they believe in more than one god.
b. They created the gods to explain mysterious things that occur in nature. (example) lightning Zeus.
c. The Greeks are supposedly not traditional towards their gods anymore.
d. The Greeks today are Orthodox christians, Muslims, Roman Catholics and Jews.

2. Culture
a. The Greeks created many sports that we use today.
b. Their cuisine is similar to the the meals we eat today.
c. They wore chitons, tunics and togas.
d. The greeks had very similar jobs to us except the fact that they specialized in wizardry and witchcraft as job.

3. Art and Sculptures
a. Michael Angelo got some of his ideas in arldingst from the Greeks.
b. They used lime stone, marble and stone the same materials we use today to make buildings.
c. There were time periods of art in greek. The most famous and earliest was the mycenaean period.
d. The Greek sculptures long ago was most likely used to represent a story.

4. Geography (Athens)
a. Athens is the symbol of freedom, art and democracy in the conscience of the civilized world.
b. It took it's name from the Greek goddess Athena whom had the power of wisdom and knowledge.
c. This is where the marvel of architecture was created, The Parthenon.

5. Olympics
a. The Greeks held this festival in honor of the twelve Olympian gods.
b. The Isthmos game took place every two years and the Pythian games took place every four years.
c. The festival was celebrated for almost five days and took place close to the years around 427 B.C.
d. They played wrestling, boxing, races, athletics and more.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lesson #6 Teenage Smoking

#1. The writer chose to introduce this article by giving an example of a teenager who was caught smoking and the penalty for doing it. The author chose to do this because he wanted to show readers an example of a smoking habit and what happens in return of doing it.

#2. The author used a statistic about teen smoking in paragraph two to show that the government is talking it seriously to stop teen smvoking. They want to tell the teens to stop and give them a reason as to why to do it.

#3. The writer helps us understand the meaning of incredulous by telling us what a bad and ridiculous thing Randall did which is the definition of incredulous.

#4. The author dedicated a paragraph saying what happens in smoking court to show readers how serious smoking is and all the confusion you can cause. Also maybe to let readers get an idea of what a smoking court is like.

#5. The effect by including two quotes from teen smokers is to tell smokers what other teen smokers are doing and to make a change in the way they chose to do things.

I would say that the author should use a problem and solution chart because she listed the problems that are occuring and ways that people are trying to fix it.

A graphic organizer that will work for my research question isa Harvard Outline.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lesson#5 Apealing to Your Audience

#5. Another way that American culture could change due to the growth of hispanics is by getting used to thier food. Some hispanic food are very dilicious and addictive. In places like New York where the hispanic population is high the food will be broad and all over the place. People will soon get accustomed to the food and will keep buying it. Normal American food will fade away a bit and leave space for spanish food.

#1. The author used the word " pops" to describe two meanings. The first one is to show the word latin pop. The second time the author used to word to describe that latin pop music pops like saying the sales have been going up and are getting famous.

#2. The author used specialized vocabulary in this article. He used it to describe very particular spanis thing person or objects. Some spanish things just would not sound right in english so they made spanish conclusions.

#3. This quote by Shakira is included even though she is not the main focus of the article because she is a Latino and that's what the article is about. Famous Latino's. Also because it shows how The latino's are important and how they worked hard to get where they are.

#4. The figurative speech phrase "stars wink and fade out" is relevant because it shows that at first some stars are very famous then later they are forgotten. Just as Marc Anthony is not as famous as he was long ago.

#5. The author might've included the concerns of Esmerelda Santiago even though she is not a singer because she might have reasons for why latin pop got famous and how it didn't. How it decreased and increased. She might be Latino and have some information also.